SugarProTech Facts

Jan Maarten de BruijnJan Maarten de Bruijn: 30 years of experience, first as researcher at CSM in the Netherlands under the guidance of Pieter van der Poel, and later at British Sugar and Südzucker.

The “SugarProTech Facts” series gives an over­view of critical points in beet sugar manufacture. The articles are written by the well-known sugar technologist and former President of the ESST Scientific Committee Jan Maarten de Bruijn. The objective is to develop practical guides for sugar scientists/technologists concerning common sugar technology issues they usually face in beet sugar processing. The guides will include theoretical background and practical implications with regard to (physico-)chemical process issues, as well as recommendations for process improvements and control. Articles published so far:

Articles published so far:

16 Articles in one eBook, 146 pages in English and German