Sugar Economy

  • What is the beet acreage and yield in Belgium?
  • Who are the largest bioethanol producers in Germany?
  • In which locations is isoglucose produced from starch?


The blue pocket book, SUGAR ECONOMY, answers these questions and more. It is an indispensable tool for:
  • Sugar, starch and ethanol producers,
  • Sugar traders,
  • Beet growers,
  • Sugar and corn syrup processors.


The “Blue Bible” is divided into 3 parts:

  • Statistics (World sugar production and consumption, EU, German and French production, sugar trade, beet area etc.)
  • The addresses of sugar, starch and ethanol producers, traders, organisations, and institutes in Europe and North America
  • The EU sugar market regulation, in both the complete version and in summary.




Since 60 years, the pocket book “Sugar Economy” is a regular companion of Sugar industry executives. The practical format and its concise content have made it a bestseller in Europe and elsewhere for many years.
Each year, the book is updated by our competent staff, who ensure that up-to-date industry information is included and that the needs of the industry are met.
Trial - eBook


96 pages with 74 tables and graphic data give you the
information you need on sugar industry throughout the:
  • Production, consumption, trade and balances
  • World sugar prices
  • Beet areas, yields and sugar production
  • Structure of the sugar industry
  • EU: Production, trade and balances
  • Profiles of EU sugar industries (see sample page)
  • EU sugar prices
  • EU isoglucose production
  • Beet and sugar production
  • Consumption, imports and ex­ports, balances
  • Molasses, dried pulp production, balances and prices
  • Isoglucose and starch sugar: production/consumption
  • Sugar production, consumption and trade
  • Molasses and dried pulp, alcohol production
  • Production and consumption in Europe



Complete list (more than 200 pages) of 38 European countries:
  • Sugar factories, sugarbeet processing plants and liquid sugar factories
  • Starch and isoglucose factories
  • Biofuel manufacturers
  • Molasses processing factories (alcohol, yeast, citric acid etc.)
  • Sweetener (natural and artificial) production and trade
  • Organisations of the sugar industry, beet growers, starch and sweetener industry – International, European andNational
  • Traders in sugar, molasses and pulp
  • Authorities
  • Research and development laboratories
Up-to-date entries by country list the company’s name, postal address, telephone, telefax, e-mail addresses, capacity and/or production programme, managing director(s) and/or factory manager, and give information on the parent company.
26 maps with locations of sugar factories


Trade Regulations

32 pages concerning in English, German, French

EU sugar market regulation

  • adapted and updated version of the Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013

Summary of EU sugar market regulations with

  • Notification obligations of the sugar and isoglucose producers
  • Quality criteria for sugar beet, molasses and isoglucose in the EU
  • Handling of the EU sugar regime after the end of quota regime
  • EU (free) trade agreements related to the sugar sector

Sugar Futures Contracts and Spot Prices

  • conditions in New York, London and Tokyo
EU regulations for use of beet pulp and molasses as animal feed (in German)