Alternative methods of waste heat utilization for raw juice heating in the Warburg and Wabern factories

The Warburg and Wabern factories of Südzucker AG carried out extensive energy economy studies in the 1999 campaign on the utilization of waste heat from vapours of evaporating crystallizers to heat raw juice in a new tubular heat exchanger of vertical design and in a plate heat exchanger installation heated by condenser water from the precondenser. Following a statement of the underlying principles of energy economy and of the technical implementation of the two processing methods, this article presents the results of the investigations, showing the processing and energy economy parameters and conditions achieved for the optimal operation of heat exchangers. This includes an assessment of the energy parameters of the respective condensers as well as of the electric power costs for the pumping of raw juice and injection water. An economic comparison is made of the two methods of waste heat utilization, showing the reduction in energy costs and the required operating expenditures.

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