Long time storage of sugar beet under cold climatic conditions

In 1994 and 1995 longer storage times (up to 3 months) of beet clamps in Finland have been tested. During the trials the technical quality of the stored beets was measured by analysing for sugar (by polarimetry and HPLC), Na, K, a -amino-N, fructose and glucose. The total beet amount, with and without tare, was measured to give a figure on the overall losses. The test clamps were covered with peat, peat with plastic sheet and snow and the temperatures in different parts of the clamps were measured, and recorded with data-loggers. The temperatures outside and inside the clamps (size: 20-30 t) were recorded. The outside temperature in 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 varied between + 5 and -25 °C, but the temperature inside the clamps in most cases staid between +3 and -1 °C. The sugar content of the beets decreased by about 1% in 100 days, from 17.0% to 16.0% (1995/96 trials, mean value from many clamps at two different sites).

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