Sugar Economy Europe & North America 2025 (eBook, 1-year)



eBook, 12 months license

Year of Publication: 2025

SKU: 921 Categories: ,


  • What is the beet acreage and yield in Belgium?
  • Who are the largest bioethanol producers in Germany?
  • In which locations is isoglucose produced from starch?


The blue pocket book, SUGAR ECONOMY, answers these questions and more. It is an indispensable tool for:
  • Sugar, starch and ethanol producers,
  • Sugar traders,
  • Beet growers,
  • Sugar and corn syrup processors.


The “Blue Bible” is divided into 3 parts:

  • Statistics(World sugar production and consumption, EU, German and French production, sugar trade, beet area etc.)
  • Theaddressesof sugar, starch and ethanol producers, traders, organisations, and institutes in Europe and North America
  • TheEU sugar market regulation, in both the complete version and in summary.

For further information, please visit the homepage of this product.

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eBook, 12 months license