Registration for 33rd ICUMSA Session now open
The 33rd ICUMSA Session will take place in Vienna, Austria from 12-14 June 2023. Together with the Austrian National ICUMSA Committee the Officers of ICUMSA have prepared an interesting and enjoyable programme, combining scientific sessions and an excursion to the Agrana Research and Innovation Centre with opportunities to meet in an informal setting and enjoy food, drinks and the beautiful city of Vienna together. The provisional programme of the 33rd Session can be found on the ICUMSA website. Registration is open and can be made on the website. We look forward to once again meeting ICUMSA members in person.
Referee’s reports for the forthcoming Session
In line with the protocols adopted at previous ICUMSA Sessions all Referee’s reports need to be submitted to the General Secretary two months before the Session begins. Therefore, the deadline for receiving reports and related recommended Method drafts for the 33rd Session is 12th April 2023. The reports will be made available in the members’ section of the ICUMSA website to allow members time to prepare for discussion during the Session. Please be aware that Referees can present work to the Session that is not contained in their report, but this will only be reported in the Proceedings for the following Session.
Upcoming elections and vacancies
Hanjo Puke has decided to resign as ICUMSA General Secretary after the 33rd Session. We are very grateful for his many years of dedication to ICUMSA. He will also resign from all his other ICUMSA functions. This means that we have a vacancy for ICUMSA General Secretary, but also for Referee of Subject 2 (Method Format, Collaborative Testing and Statistical Treatment of Data) and for members of both the Publications and Nomination and Credentials Committee. Moreover, the first term of Martijn Leijdekkers as President of ICUMSA will end in 2023, which means that a new President election should be organized according to our Articles & By-Laws. Hanjo Puke will inform all National Committee Chairs about the upcoming elections and vacancies and will ask them to inform us about potential candidates. Martijn Leijdekkers is available for re-election as ICUMSA President, Hanjo Puke will not be available for re-election as General Secretary. The ICUMSA Treasurer appointment was made in 2021, when Karen Pardoe was elected; this role is not due for election until 2025. At the Executive Committee meeting in June elections will be held to appoint the President and General Secretary for the next four years.
ICUMSA membership
We are pleased to mention that Australia has re-activated their ICUMSA membership. There has also been interest for ICUMSA membership from other countries (i.e. Algeria, India, Turkey and Vietnam) and information was provided by Hanjo Puke about membership options and subscriptions.
Countries that have not yet established a National Committee, but are interested in doing so, are most welcome to contact one of the ICUMSA Officers to receive more information. Member countries have voting rights at the ICUMSA Sessions and their members are able to actively participate in ICUMSA studies.