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XXXII Centennial Congress 2025

24 August - 28 August

ISSCT Congress Colombia 2025

Take Advantage of the Early Bird Discounts for the Upcoming XXXII ISSCT Centennial Congress 2025 – Cali, Colombia!

The Congress by Tecnicaña will be a historic event commemorating 100 years of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT). This grand event, divided into Pre-Congress, Congress, and Post-Congress sessions, will take place from 22nd to 31st August 2025 in Colombia, with its focus on the Valle del Cauca region.

Did you know? Tecnicaña offers Early Bird Discounts for Congress registration!

The first deadline is 15th February 2025, with a special rate of USD $1,200. (ISSCT Membership fee not included. Check details here.)

[Register Here]

Register by 15th February 2025 and secure your place at a preferential rate!



The XXXII Congress and Centennial of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) will take place in Cali, Colombia, from 22 to 31 August 2025. Organised by Tecnicaña, this milestone event will celebrate the centenary of the ISSCT, bringing together experts, academics, and industry leaders to share knowledge, innovations, and best practices that promote the sustainable development of the sugarcane agroindustry.

Congress General Structure

  1. Pre-Congress (22-23 August 2025):
    Technical visits to mills and research centers, showcasing the region’s best agricultural and agroindustrial practices.
    Zones and sites to visit:

    • Zone 1 (Central and South): Cenicaña, Mayagüez, Providencia, Incauca.
    • Zone 2 (North): Risaralda, Riopaila Castilla.
  2. Congress (24-28 August 2025):
    • Activities: Plenary sessions, presentations of research papers, and poster sessions organised by thematic commissions: Agriculture, Biology, Factory, Management, and Co-products.
  3. Post-Congress (30-31 August 2025):
    • Technical tour and tourist activities to explore Cartagena, Colombia’s culture and landscapes further.

For more information: https://issctcennial.com/precongress/


Trade Exhibition

The trade exhibition will host 180 brands and welcome more than 1,500 attendees from 70 countries, offering a platform to showcase innovations and establish strategic connections within the sugarcane agroindustry.

Link: https://issctcennial.com/exhibition/


Congress Venue

The event will take place at the Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico in Cali. This state-of-the-art venue is internationally recognised for hosting large-scale events and fully meets the logistical and technical requirements to accommodate all attendees.

Link: https://issctcennial.com/cevp/


Accompanying Programme

A special programme has been designed for accompanying persons, featuring cultural and tourist tours of the Valle del Cauca region, the Eje Cafetero and Cartagena, ensuring a unique and memorable experience.

For more information: https://issctcennial.com/persons-program/


Registration Fees

Link: https://issct.eventos25.eventechvirtual.com/

  • Until 15/02/2025: USD 1,200.
  • Until 15/05/2025: USD 1,300.
  • Until 30/07/2025: USD 1,550.
  • From 01/08/2025: USD 1,750.

Registration includes access to the academic agenda, social and cultural events, internal transport, lunches, a welcome kit, and access to the trade exhibition.



For attendees’ convenience, we have partnered with several hotels in the region to offer preferential rates for Congress participants.

More information: https://issctcennial.com/hotels/


Abstracts and Workshops

As of 31 October 2024, the ISSCT had received 387 abstracts from around the world. This remarkable response highlights the relevance of the ISSCT Congress as a key meeting point for the scientific and technical community in the sector.

As part of the Congress, the Administration Workshop https://issctmanagementworkshop.com/


Congress Website
All updated information about the XXXII ISSCT Congress and Centennial 2025 is now available on our website: www.issctcentennial.com
Visit the site to stay informed about this remarkable event.


24 August
28 August


+57 316 833 8724 or +57 318 402 1118
View Organizer Website


Centro de eventos Valle del Pacífico
Calle 15 # 26-120
Arroyohondo, Yumbo Valle del Cauca, Colombia
+ Google Map
+57 322 6743441
View Venue Website