Re-evaluation of technical value of sugar beet

The results of three years of experiments of the Institut für Technologie der Kohlenhydrate (Institute for Technology of Carbohydrates) at the Brunswick Technical University together with the Institut für Zuckerrübenforschung (Institute for Sugar Beet Research) in Göttingen could be comprehended to a “New Brunswick Formula” at the beginning of 1994. With this regression equation the standardized molasses loss1 for a given quality of sugar beets can be calculated:

SMV = 0,12 · w’K+Na + 0,24 · w’a -N + 0,48 r = 0,927

SMV standard molasses loss in % on beet

w’ amount-of-substance in mmol/100 g beet

K+Na sum of potassium and sodium

a -N a -amino acid nitrogen (Blue number)

This equation is based on 60 tests with selected beets of various qualities which have been performed in the years 1991 until 1993. It is based on beet processing experiments, in which the corresponding molasses have been obtained by a standardized method that is orientated on state-of-the-art sugar technology. The coefficients of the equation were ascertained by correlation of analytical data of the sugar beet samples and the respective molasses (multiple regression analysis). Using the standard molasses loss the so-called white sugar content can be calculated as a quality criterion. In this variable the sugar content is diminished by the molasses (sugar) loss as well as by the process losses (not dependent on quality). The latter are assumed to be 0.6% on beet as determined and undetermined losses. The total losses vary according to operating method and equipment of a factory.

BZG = wZ – SMV – 0,6 = wZ – 0,12 · w’K+Na – 0,24 · w’a -N – 1,08

BZG white sugar content on beet in %

wZ sugar content of beet (polarization) in °Z

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