Züchtung gentechnisch veränderter Zuckerrüben

Breeding has to realize the potentials of gentechnology in new varieties and new products. On the long way to a sellable variety consequences for the practical breeding have to be realized, concerning different aspects: 1. The process of integration of new traits and genes A chain of unprobable events leads to the desired transformed plant. 2. The development of elite-lines for the production of commercial hybrids. Using backcross breeding the transformed plant will be converted into an elite-line containing the new trait. 3. The ideal type of variety The increasing segmentation of the market multiplies the possibilities to combine traits in the most suitable constellation and increases therefore costs of the product development. 4. The commercial production of genetical modified hybrids The production of hybrids involving genetically modified elitelines is requiring a new generation of quality assurance practice.

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