sit conference announcement


S.I.T. will hold its 84th Annual Technical Conference in 2025 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Monday, April 14 through Thursday, April 17, 2025. We are looking forward to your continued support and participation at our upcoming conference. As you are aware, cane sugar refining professionals and allied members benefit from the knowledge shared through the various technical presentations. In addition, the social events allow attendees the opportunity to interact with colleagues and discuss technical advancements and concerns that relate to cane sugar refining. Exhibitor tables allow delegates to visit with our valuable supplier members. The refinery tour of Al Khaleej, the largest standalone refinery in the world will undoubtedly be one of the highlights of the conference.

We urge you and your company to consider participating at the Conference by presenting a technical paper and/or poster. The paper/poster should address any of the various aspects of the cane sugar refining industry. Please be reminded that it is the policy of S.I.T. not to have papers of a commercial nature. Upon receiving your offer for presentation, we will immediately send you “Instructions and Suggestions for Authors and Presenters of S.I.T. Papers” or “Suggestions for the Presentation of S.I.T. Posters.” This information is also available on the website at:

Janet Harriman, Program Chairperson, will be accepting abstracts for the 2025 S.I.T. conference through January 15, 2025. Please submit abstracts via email using the subject 2025 S.I.T. Abstract Submission to Janet at

Please keep in mind that S.I.T. has recently implemented conference fee reductions for the first author of a paper from a refining member and financial support opportunities for graduate students presenting papers or posters. Please refer to the Bylaws & Policies section of the SIT website for more details or contact me directly. We look forward to your abstract submissions and thank you, in advance, for contributing to the continued success of our annual S.I.T. conference.
